It’s A New Day

Every day we get to start over. This morning I was in my Human Shoes. Then not once, but multiple times, Spirit showed me that the Universe is at work on my behalf.

I am following my passion. It does not make sense to many people. I have a beautiful gift of healing through Reiki. It works in person, it works over the phone – it works. It works for myself. It works for others. I am blessed to have this gift and to be able to share with my community, friends, family and people I have never even had the pleasure to meet.

I was blessed today to get feedback from a new telephone client. In the several days since we had our session, she was able to move through multiple activities that would have caused much discomfort. How exciting is that? I get to, with the help of Spirit, HELP people, which in turn helps me.

Thank You Spirit, God, Universe, Creator of all.


Billie Shults
Reiki Master Teacher & Artist

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